On 20 October 2020 Fin-Industry Holding, a. s. has issued corporate bonds with a 10-year duration, redeemable on 20 October 2030, and a six-monthly coupon at predetermined increasing rates from 2.12% to 3.76%. Unit amount of the bonds EUR 1,000, – with sale and redemption at par.
The main purpose of the issue is to strengthen the company aimed at supporting its subsidiaries operating in the hail damage sector in various countries including Italy, the Slovak Republic, Romania, Bulgaria and others, with the acquisition of areas intended for processing centers, purchase of machinery, financing of training courses, creation and expansion of the franchise network and commercial associates.
The securities are transferable with endorsement through their sale, without bureaucratic obstacles or costs of sale or acquisition as they are transferred by affixing the free signatures of the transferor and the transferee on the back of the same.
Fin-Industry Holding formalized the issue (technically an issue in private placement, therefore without solicitation of public savings) by contacting a group of qualified investors.
We emphasize that since the securities are not issued in dematerialized form (ie via swift message) but printed on watermarked paper with an anti-forgery hologram, it is not necessary to open securities dossiers at banks or other authorized intermediaries.
The issuing Institute that issued us authorization for the issue (we remind you that each security is numbered and among the essential elements affixed to them appear the LEI codes (from the English acronym for Legal Entity Identifier) ​​and ISIN (number that distinguishes the issue itself) is the Central Securities Depository of Slovak Republic, i.e. in Slovak language Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, as
The Institute, a joint stock company, acts under license from the Slovak National Bank and its business is regulated both at national and EU level, as can be seen from Directive 909/2014 of the European Parliament and Council Resolution dated 23 July 2014 .
Among its members, we mention the UniCredit group, Banca Intesa San Paolo through the local bank VUB, Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Euroclear Bank SA / NV, Clearsteam Banking AG, Citibank Europe, Erste Group Bank AG, Tatra banka, CSOB and others.